May I pre-register for my procedure?
Yes. We strongly encourage you to have completed all the registration forms before the day of the procedure. We prefer that you simply walk in the day of your procedure and be shown to your room rather than fill out pages of paperwork. For your convenience, we have provided an online registration feature.
What if I cannot make my appointment?
Please notify the physician and the San Diego Endoscopy Center at 619-497-2888 as early as possible if you cannot make your scheduled appointment. Early notification can help us better accommodate you and other patients.
What should I wear?
Please wear comfortable clothing. Button-down shirts or blouses are best. Wear comfortable shoes. Leave all jewelry at home, including body-piercing jewelry. Ho high heels please.
Why must I refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to the procedure?
You refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to the procedure in order to prevent the risks of aspirating gastric contents during your procedure. This complication is very serious and you need to strictly abide by our recommendations. This has nothing to do with nausea and vomiting after your procedure as some think.
We have very clear policies as to specific times before the procedure when you must refrain from eating and/or drinking. These are all based on safety standards.
Should I take my usual daily medication?
We generally request that you take your medication before leaving home. Diabetic medications will be individualized. Please bring a list of all your medications with you.
People using inhalers must bring them to the Center on the day of the procedure.
If you take medication for high blood pressure, please do not stop. If you have questions please call your physicians office to discuss medications.
May I continue my herbal medications?
Herbal medications may have harmful effects on the procedure. Many of these remedies may affect your clotting mechanism and interfere with the anesthetic agents. (The list of drugs and their side effects are too great for this site.) We generally request that you stop these medications two weeks before the procedure. Please remember to mention these remedies when being asked about medication.
Who may accompany me?
Due to the size of our waiting room we ask that your driver simply drop you off. We will contact your driver with details and arrange pickup after your procedure. Please remember to bring their phone number in when you check in.
Will I receive sedation before going into the operating room?
We will individualize each patient’s care.
Will I be contacted before my procedure?
Yes. We call each patient before the procedure to gather information and to be helpful to us and hopefully answer any of your questions. You can also call the Center directly with any questions at 619-497-2888.
Should I bathe and wash my hair before leaving home?
Yes. You can comfortably take a shower, bathe, brush your teeth, etc. Please do not use makeup, hair spray, nail polish, or toiletries. These may interfere with the anesthesia monitoring and possibly hide clinical signs.
What should I do if I am not feeling well?
If you are not feeling well, please contact your physician immediately. During normal business hours, you can call the Center for advice. We need to know specific details to make the decision. Please do not delay in contacting your physician or the Center.
What should I do if I started my menstrual cycle?
This will not affect your procedures.
What should I do if I believe that I am pregnant?
It is very important for us to be aware of this possibility. If there is any doubt please contact us immediately.
May I drive home?
Any patient receiving anesthesia should not drive until the next day. A patient receiving sedation for a procedure needs a ride home.
Patients will not be allowed to drive, walk or take public transportation after sedation or anesthesia. Please make the appropriate arrangements.
What if I have special needs?
We will make every effort to accommodate any special need you may have. We strongly encourage you to call the Center in advance so that we can properly prepare to make you comfortable. Do not hesitate to call and suggest anything that may make your day easier.
Should I bring my special needs equipment?
Yes. Please bring any walkers, post-op crutches, hearing aids, etc.
What must I bring with me on the day of the procedure?
- Bring a case for eyeglasses or contacts
- Bring insurance identification cards, driver’s license, completed billing forms, copayments
- Bring all medication or a list
- Make sure you have a ride home and someone to care for you at home
- Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing
- Leave all jewelry and valuables at home
What are the risks of anesthesia?
All operations and all anesthetics have risks and they are dependent upon many factors including the type of procedure and the medical condition of the patient. Most patients operated on in procedure centers are of the healthier group of patients, and in these circumstances serious complications, while they can occur, are fortunately very rare.